Is Academic Coaching For You? – College Graduation Rates

If you are a good student , but have trouble in just one particular class, then a tutor is most beneficial, since you know what specific area you need to focus on. If you are struggling in school, an academic coach will be the best alternative. Academic coaches can be employed to help you through entire academic seasons or semesters. Tutors may only need to be used for a specific course. Academic coaches examine your entire life and see where you can better learn the best way to study. They might check to see what your desks, bags or any other areas for study are organized. They may help improve your managing your time. They will assist you in learning how to take better notes during classes, so you will have a more reliable reference for studying. Academic coaches are great to students who suffer from specific issues with their health or learning such as attention deficit disorder, or ADHD. Academic coaches may be beneficial for students who are working towards general tests, like the SATs.

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