What are Emerging Contaminants of Concern? – Madison County Library

Chemicals produced by various of contaminants we don’t understand enough about. The following article will cover the different contaminants EPA Victoria has studied.

Chemicals which have been utilized in the creation of emerging contaminants are chemical compounds used in the field of firefighting, pharmaceuticals, pesticides and insecticides. The chemicals are not fully understood and may have unintended negative environmental and health effects.

It’s essential to know what each of the contaminants is and where they originate from and how we can come into contact with them and how they affect the environment.

Many chemical compounds are released into the air each throughout the year, and this is an reason for us to be cautious. Making so many new chemicals, so rapidly, means that any effects they have to the environment as well as the human well-being aren’t being studied thoroughly.

As a result of their fireproofing properties, the PFAS class contains a range of thousands of chemicals. Since they’re portable and persistent they are able to move about in the surroundings, but remain stationary. They are not known for their actions that could cause negative consequences for the health of people and the surroundings.

The EPA notes that it’s important to be cautious and to prevent exposure to avoid any potential health effects. With more time to study these new pollutants it is possible to design safer environments and produce cleaner chemical products.


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