The majority of these healthcare centers deal with the walk-in patient who requires any kind of COVID-19 test and x-rays for injuries. This video will show you what it’s like to be nursing assistants in the urgent care clinic. Ellaine speaks about her daily routine at work. Because all her patients walk into the clinic without appointments She doesn’t know if they can count on a busy day of work or a day of slow-going with many gaps between patients. She assists patients suffering from any minor illness or injuries. A few of the ailments she manages include poison ivy exposure, dehydration, rashes, minor allergic reactions, asthma attacks and ear infections. She also treats pink eye. She also can treat minor eye injuries, sports injuries, minor burns, as well as dislocations. Some patients also come in for routine services like IV hydration, abscess drainage physicals, and TB tests. Due to the large variance in the flow of patients, and the inconsistent treatment between patients The job can become extremely stressful. It’s difficult to anticipate the tasks you’ll be required to do, but there are some who appreciate the challenge of this job. iqoutgqd1l.